Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage is one of the alternative medicine methods that are used to help the nervous system in the body to relax and is one of the known types of massage, as the nervous system is the device that controls the rest of the body's systems, and it has many therapeutic benefits as it has many benefits for the body joints, ligaments, muscles and the skin as well.
The benefits of therapeutic massage Massage has many therapeutic benefits, including:
- Therapeutic massage is very useful to maintain muscle strength, and also helps in making it more powerful and helps to remove muscle spasms and cramps. Massage is very beneficial to joint health, as it helps to increase joint flexibility and helps improve joint mobility. Massage therapy is also useful in promoting and improving blood circulation, as it helps in facilitating the arrival of blood loaded with oxygen and food to all body systems, including joints and muscles.
- Therapeutic massage helps to accelerate wound healing and accelerate the healing of diseases, as it helps in promoting blood circulation and thus helps to speed up healing, and it also helps rid the body of tension, fatigue and exhaustion. Working a therapeutic massage permanently helps prevent muscle atrophy, as with progress in work and less muscle exertion the muscles become atrophied and shrink in size and become weaker, but therapeutic massage helps delay this stage.
- It helps in softening the joints and protecting them from stiffness. It also helps in treating and relieving joint infections. - It helps protect the tendons from various problems, and it helps in tightening these tendons and ligaments.
- Masjafi helps facilitate bowel and stomach movement and improve digestion. It also helps in the excretion of waste products out of the body. It also helps in cleansing and purifying the body of toxic substances. - It is useful for people who suffer from headaches continuously, it helps to relax and reduce tension, and thus treat headaches and prevent feeling it.
- It is very useful for people who suffer from insomnia and have difficulty getting a deep sleep. It helps them to get a sound, continuous and deep sleep, which positively affects their activity in general and helps them in carrying out their daily activities actively.
- Therapeutic massage helps rid the body of moisture and cold, and feel warm. It helps relieve back and shoulder pain and helps treat joint injuries and neck pain. Massage helps rid the body of cellulite. Massage can help lose weight and stretch the body.
- It helps in relaxing muscles, feeling relaxed, calm, and clear-minded.
- Very useful for high blood pressure patients, as it helps relieve stress and anxiety, which helps to reduce pressure. The benefits of a therapeutic massage for the skin Massage has many benefits for the skin and body, including: Massage helps remove dead skin cells, which helps in uniformity of the skin color.
It also helps in improving blood circulation and thus helps in making the skin appear fresh, bright and healthy.
- It helps in improving the condition of the skin, as it helps in regenerating the skin cells, and therefore it helps in treating scars and burns, removing signs of wounds and speeding up their healing, and it helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles in the skin.
- Massage helps the skin to make it do its job efficiently. Cases where therapeutic massage should not be used There are some conditions that are best not to do a therapeutic massage, because it may cause them more harm than good, and these cases include the following:
- If the person has a bleeding wound or may bleed upon touching it, it is best for the person not to perform a massage to prevent his wound from bleeding.
- If the person has been subjected to burns, as the massages in this case may cause infections, but after the healing of the burn, a massage of the place of the burn can be done to get rid of the scars at the site of the burn.
- If a person has infectious skin diseases, as massage can cause skin disease to spread to the rest of the body and even infection to the therapist.
- If there is a place in the body full of hair, it is preferable not to do any massage in it unless after removing the hair from the entire area.
- If the person suffers from very sensitive skin, it is preferable not to undergo massage for good in order to prevent skin from cracking as a result of the massage.
- If a person has varicose veins in the legs, he should not undergo massage in this area in order to prevent blood clots from occurring in the place of varicose veins.