Prevention is better than cure
Avoid close contact
with sick people
If someone is clearly
infected, help yourself stay healthy by avoiding close contact that can spread
viruses, stop hugs, kisses, and handshakes.
If someone coughs and
sneezes, get away and explain that you don't want to get sick.
Cover your mouth when
coughing or sneezing
When you cough and
sneeze, you leave small drops filled with thousands of viruses and bacteria,
your body at about 100 miles an hour they can land on surfaces and other
people, and even stay suspended in the air for long periods, and this is an
effective way to spread the infection.
Try to cough or sneeze
at your elbow if possible to help prevent droplets from being released into the
air. If you are unable to do this, use a handkerchief to cover your mouth, but
use your hand also works if there is no alternative.
Cleaning and
disinfecting things and surfaces
Use bleach or
disinfectant to wipe the kitchen, bathroom, telephone, door handles, and
children's surfaces.
Once you realize how
easy it is to get stuck, you can see the importance of this step.
Strengthening the
immune system
Your best defense
against any infection is an active and healthy immune system, make the
following part of your routine:
Exercise: Make sure
your immune system gets a boost by exercising regularly.
Eat well: The foods you
eat and what you drink are essential factors in your immune function.
Stay hydrated by
drinking plenty of water. Moist cells are better at fighting infection and
flushing out toxins, germs and pollutants from the body.
Eat 5 fruits and
vegetables a day
Fruits and
vegetables contain nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, oils and acids that keep you
healthy and your immune system happy. Eat plenty of food and try to include as
many different colors as possible to ensure you benefit from a full range of
active compounds.