Massage and back problems

Massage and back problems

For a massage, a massage is a form of massage that can be applied in different parts of the body to give it a feeling of relaxation, comfort, and pain relief, especially for those who suffer from back or leg problems as a result of exposure to diseases, accidents, or sitting for long periods.
 The massage is carried out using hands by using oils the natural " ones that stimulate blood circulation in the body or using massage devices that rely on an air or water medium. 

How to do a back massage to do a back massage, follow these steps:

Prepare the bed to be massaged on and place towels to absorb any excess oils , And processing a Room so that they are warm. The person who wants to massage him to lie on his stomach, and put a pillow under the breastbone.    

Put an appropriate amount of massage oil or baby oil between the hands and rub it slightly. Distribute the oil on the back as well as the neck and shoulders. Place one hand over the other and extend the arms. Start by massaging in small circles, starting from the lower back, then the middle area, and then the upper to the extremities.

Continue the massage on one side of the spine, and repeat the process for two to three minutes, taking into account light pressure on the lower and upper back two or three times.

Make the L-shaped hand and move it in the same direction as the thumb, closing the opening between the thumb and forefinger while observing light pressure.
 Massage using the fist for about three minutes, taking into account not to squeeze the lower back or spine, and gently massage near the back joints.
 Massage the muscles in the neck and shoulders.

Using thumb pressure, press the area between the shoulders and spine.
 Massage the sides of the spine using the thumb. Straighten the fingers and slowly massage from the lower back, use the second hand to massage the shoulders, and repeat the process more than once to relieve pressure.
 Gently wipe the back, shoulders and neck with a cotton towel, allowing the person to rest.

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