
Attractive perfumes

Man's passion for perfumes appeared since ancient times, as he burned some types of plants with strong and aromatic scents, to be like incense, as the Pharaohs used the fragrance five thousand years ago, but it was the Arabs who used the crown of flower extracting flower water and that since 1300 AD, Rose is the oldest perfume in the world.
Studies have proven that the fragrance has much greater effects than its beautiful smell, as the strong and nervous sense of smell is associated with taste and memory, so it calms the soul and reminds us of beautiful days or bad memories as well.

It has also been proven, that in every nose there are 25 million cellular receptors that convert odor information into the olfactory bulb. In contrast, the olfactory bulb converts this information to the brain. Thus the first place where the smell information reaches is the amygdala, which controls emotional responses, and in the amygdala the emotional data accompanied by the smell information is displayed.

It has also been proven that inhaling a fragrance activates a part of the brain, where it is analyzed and the effect of stored emotional memories, as it connects areas that deal with heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and hormonal balance, and the sense of smell is directly linked to the center of emotional control, where There is anxiety, fear, depression, anger, and joy.

The effect of perfume on attracting men
Every wife searches in any way for anything that attracts her husband to her, and increases the degree of his love and affection for her. We all know that a man is attracted to openwork clothing and attractive hairstyle ... but it turns out that perfumes have a great role in accelerating the heartbeats of your husband, as most men admit that perfume is an integral part of a woman's attractiveness.

Science has also shown that there is a close connection between smell and emotion, as beautiful scents stimulate parts of the brain that are directly related to the emotional desire of a man. So, madam, do not neglect this point, as perfume is the fastest way to attract your husband and increase his desire for you.

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